Hey, guys! We already passed through year 2010 for several weeks. However, there are one more important thing for all Duelists around the world besides the release of new cards which is the March 2011 ban list. Thus, I would like to share my own forecast of March 2011's ban list to you guys.
Unlike the previous forecast, this time I will predict that the coming March 2011 ban list is a major hit to the trend of OCG and TCG. Before I continue my forecast, I would like to share some of my opinion towards the current situation of OCG. With the effect of September 2010 ban list, the whole trend of OCG is becoming more horrible and OTKs still frequently happen during tournament. However, this situation mostly occurs among Blackwings and Six Samurai decks.
Among all those popular decks before the impact of September 2010 ban list, Infernity, Lightsworn, Blackwings, Frogs, Frog Monarchs, Quickdraw Dandy and Cat-Synchro are superb decks during those time. With the apply of September 2010 ban list, 3 major popular decks have been hit heavily and they are Cat-synchro, Frogs and Infernity. Start from that moment, some of these decks started disappeared from the eyes of public. Therefore I would predicted that these decks may re-appears in the eyes of public soon because Konami may need to reduce the OTKs speed through releasing these powerful decks to against the popular decks especially Blackwings and Six Samurai.
With the release of Extreme Victory(EXVC), psychic will definitely become the next FTK/OTK deck. By using these whole new set of psychic support cards, psychic deck can regain their FTK/OTK opportunity. Basically, Konami quite against with the idea of FTK/OTKs thus Mind Master may say goodbye to all psychic players after March 2011. Besides, this new booster pack is a bit more focus on out of play monster(s) from the graveyard or deck. For more details of EXVC, check it at this page.
Okay, below is my forecast ban list.
Mind Master
Monster Reborn
Judgment Dragon
Rescue Cat
Tech-Genus(TG) Hyper Librarian
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Black Rose Dragon
Debris Dragon
Neo-spacian Grand Mole
Emergency Teleport
Gateway of Six
Pot of Avarice
Pot of Duality
Royal Decree
Royal Oppression
Icarus Attack
Snipe Hunter
Bottomless Trap Hole
Magic Cylinder
However, this ban list does not hitting much to the decks such as Karakuri, Scraps, Plant OTK, or even Tech Genus(TG). Apart from that, with the air of Yugioh Zexal series during the Spring of 2011 in Japan, Konami may change the rules of game soon due to they will introduce the new method of special summoning - Exceed/Excess Summon and new archtype of Monster - Exceed/Excess monsters. This special summon required players to have 2 or more monsters with the same star level in order to perform Exceed Summon of Exceed monster(s). According to the duel ruling in the Yugioh Zexal comic, the Exceed Summon materials will placed on the fields instead of sending to the graveyard as performed by Synchro Summon. Thus, Konami needs to add additional rulings about this special summon.
I predicted that the Exceed Summon is also a special summon of monster from the Extra deck thus the Extra deck card limits may change to 20 cards. In addition, Exceed Summon also required a new archtype of monster that helps to perform Exceed Summon which similar to Tuner in Synchro Summon. Thus, we may see a whole set of monster series occurs in the next booster pack(705) and the year 2011 starter deck. Hopefully this special summon is another style of game play thus the game may become more interesting.
Okay, that's all I wanna share today. Thanks for your time and wish you guys have a blast day. Please stay tuned for my next post.
Card Gallery:Checkmate
5 minutes ago
If this would be the banlist, I would be so happy.
However, why don't you mention about Dandylion? I think Dandy should be limited besides Debris Dragon. It's easy to abuse Dandy for grave-based decks such as LS, Quickdraw, and Plant Synchro.
Monster Reborn somehow can be so powerful because it can grab any monsters in your opponent's graveyard.
Don't forget the Gungnir, it's just like an upgraded version of Brionac.
Another card that should be forbidden is Cold Wave. I just realize that it's better for players to be Heavy Storm-ed instead of Cold Waved. Cold Wave blocks the player further movement from playing any spell/trap cards, and players can only see they are getting slaughtered by their opponents' OTK combo
Somehow,Konami will not totally kill all the popular decks as I think. Thus,I don't think Dandylion will be limited again. About Gungnir,it is not too popular in Asia because of its synchro restriction and not much water attribute non-tuner are useful enough. Cold Wave might be a threat but Konami might leave it alone so that the release of Exceed Summon is successful.
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