Wednesday, December 31, 2008




Monday, December 29, 2008


我已经有一段时间没有把个人感言放上此处了!经过了一个月的闭关训练,我终于把隐藏在卡片里的感觉找回来了。我也好久没有把个人的斗志与意念放在卡片里了!我也几乎忘了如何应付不同类型的卡组,尤其是剑斗兽、光导与宝玉兽。此次的游戏王大赛可说是高手如云,几乎全马的高手都聚集在此大赛里。当然各式各样的罕贵卡几乎都能在此找到。此趟的参赛可说让我感觉到游戏王玩家开始再次增加与回归这游戏的感觉。我想这可能关于同调召唤的崛起与优势,同调召唤的强点在于能够在一局内召唤出高星级怪物,平且同调怪物的效果也毫不逊于普通效果怪物的效果尤其是星尘龙。在这里我也推荐一下OCG Gold Series,感觉上我好像在帮Konami公司打免费广告。此包装里的卡也蛮不错,尤其是狮子花、冰结界龙、Honest与代罪绵羊。这一包可说非常值得购买因为实在太多强卡包含在此包装里。

Friday, November 28, 2008

Great Card Pack

EXP1-JP027 Allure of Darkness
Normal Magic
Draw 2 cards,then remove from play 1 Dark monster from your hand.If you don't have any Dark monsters in your hand to remove,discard all cards in your hand to the Graveyard.

EXP1-JP024 Fallen Angel Zerato
If there are 4 or more Dark monsters with different names in your Graveyard,you can advance summon this card by releasing 1 Dark monster.You can send 1 Dark monster from your hand to your Graveyard to destroy all monsters your opponent control.If you activate this effect,destroy this card during the end phase of this turn.

The new card pack that just released on September is Extra Pack 01 and this card pack is quite valuable.There are certain specialized cards for Alle Deck and this is a whole great news for all Alle Deck players.Furthermore,there are some cards specially designed for Plant,Insect and Aqua Deck.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Combo Cards

LE14-JP004 Shoutendouji
Once per turn,select one of the following effects and activate it:
-By removing from play 2 Undead-type Monsters in your Graveyard,draw one card.
-Return 1 of your removed from play Undead-type Monster back to the top of your deck.

PP11-JP004 Mezuki
By removing from play this card in your Graveyard,Special Summon 1 Undead-Type Monster from your Graveyard.

Hence, by using these two cards, you can reuse the effect of Mezuki as long as Mezuki return back to the top of your deck by the effect of Shoutendouji. By combining these two cards in the Undead-type Deck, the percentage of winning the duel sure will increase. These two cards are one of the main card in the Undead-type Deck.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

World Of Yu-Gi-Oh

Hello,ladies and gentleman!Welcome to scyu.lee Blog!In here,you can found a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh informations. In this blog, Yu-Gi-Oh Players can upload their questions to me and I will try to answer their questions as accurate as I can and as soon as possible. The main purpose I create this blog is to let more people understand Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Cards Game and use this blog as a tool for communicate and make friends with all the Yu-Gi-Oh player around the world. Therefore, I hope all the people whose leave their comments here please state your e-mail address so that I can communicate with you and exchange our points of view.