Hey, guys!Today I gonna share about the Yugioh Tournament Situation at Asia region excluding Japan. This article is as an extra knowledge for you guys to understand of Asia Tournament trends.
In Asia region, we do apply the world wide ban list and also the region ban list too. The region ban list is a ban list of cards that allow to use in official tournament. This ban list consists of Duel Terminal, Structure Deck, Gold Series, Limited Edition and all ShueiSha magazine or comic's cards. For example, LE cards that has not been reprinted such as Dark End Dragon is not allow to use in Official Tournament. Apart from that, cards from Western countries or we refer as TCG are forbid from used in the Official Tournament too. We only allow to use Japanese or Asia-English version cards in the Official Tournament.
As a result, most of the Asia region lack of decks such as Angel deck, Fable deck, Flamvell deck and others. The decks that we familiar to see during the Official Tournament are Blackwings, Gladiator-Beast, Machina, Lightsworn, Quickdraw Synchro and Infernity. All these decks are easily to build and they are not forbid from being used in the Official Tournament. Apart from that, cards such as Gorz, Emissary of Darkness; Tragodia, Necro Face, Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier; Elemental Hero Stratos, Mezuki, Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier and Golden Sarcophagus are forbid to use in the Official Tournament too.
As I know, this is a policy from the Konami and this policy only apply to Asia region including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. As you guys can see, China is not being listed in the Asia region although Yugioh Trading Card Game has launch for 10 years. May be is the policy of China that forbid Konami to have their office in China. Hopefully, China officially listed in the Konami Asia region soon.
At here, I also like to share a great news about the latest OCG booster pack which is Storm of Ragnarok (STOR). This booster is more emphasize on the support cards for Six Samurai which has been leave out for quite a long time. The new support cards for Six Samurai are extremely great and consider as essential to all Six Samurai players. I personally predict that Six Samurai gonna be the next new trend after the appearance of Blackwings and it might replacing the popularity of Blackwing. However, I also believe that STOR gonna include 5 to 6 pieces of Blackwings cards because the latest preview only show us a piece of Blackwing monster.
Anyway, 2 more weeks later STOR will be release then we can see how the trends of OCG will change. Therefore, let us wait for its release. Thanks for your reading. Stay tuned for my next post. Hope you guys have a nice day.
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Qualifiers 2010
1 hour ago