Hey, guys! Today I will share a news regarding the Dark World Structure Deck (SD21) to you guys. This deck is gonna released on this coming June 2011 in OCG and we have gathered the news of all the new cards included in this structure deck.
Basically, this structure deck is powerful enough and it can be play instantly when we bought 3 boxes of SD21. The new cards that have revealed in latest edition of Shueisha magazine were Snow, Magician of Dark World; Ceruli, Monk of Dark World and Strategy of the Dark. The effect of Snow, Magician of Dark World is "if this card is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard by a card effect, add 1 "Dark World" card from your deck to your hand. If this card is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, you can select 1 monster in your opponent's graveyard and special summon it to your field in face-up defense position".
The effect of Ceruli, Monk of Dark World is "if this card is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard by a card effect, special summon this card to your opponent's field in face-up defense position. If this card is successfully special summoned by the effect of a "Dark World" card, your opponent selects 1 card in their hand and discards it". The effect of Strategy of the Dark is "each player selects 2 cards in their hand and discard them, then draw 2 cards from their deck. Your opponent can negate this card effect by discarding 1 card from their hand".
This deck is powerful with the existence of Ceruli, Monk of Dark World and it made Dark World deck can be focus on control type. With it, we can triggered the second effect of several Dark World monster such as Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World; Grapha, Dragon God of Dark World; Sillva, Warlord of Dark World; Snow, Magician of Dark World and Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World. Apart from that, we have Dark World search card engine which quite similar to Infernity Archfiend. With Snow, Magician of Dark World, we can search for almost any Dark World cards and add it from the deck to our hand.
Moreover, this SD also reprinted Tragoedia, Belial - Marquis of Darkness and Darkness Neosphere. With the reprinted of Tragoedia, we can see some of the decks play it in their main especially for OCG. Thus, this card will be populated in most the deck soon. Besides that, powerful magic card such as Dark World Dealings, Dark World Lightning and Card Destruction also reprinted in this SD. With the reprinted of all these goodies, this deck may become the next new structure deck that majorly pop-up in the tournament soon. Thus, please don't feel surprise of the occurrence of Dark World deck in the upcoming tournament soon.
Apart from that, I also predicted that Mainspring will have the potential to be the next theme deck others than Scrap deck because Konami currently boost a lot of this theme cards in the coming booster pack too. I think that synchro monster will not be printed in the 7th series of OCG booster packs others than the upcoming Gold Series 4. Thus, we will see more and more exceed monsters will be introduced in the upcoming booster packs or even duelist pack.
Okay, that's all for today! I will ended my post here. Thanks for your precious time and wish you guys have a nice day!
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Qualifiers 2010
1 hour ago