Hey, guys! As I mentioned in the previous post, today I will share a concept deck that suit for Xyz summon within a turn. I think most of you have think of this deck before this, however, I have added some new cards from Photon Shockwave (PHSW) and you can upgrade it as you like.
The recipe is as below:
Chaos Sorcerer x1
Cyber Dragon x2
Dark Armed Dragon x1
Dandylion x1
Effect Veiler x2
Gagaga Magician x3
Glow-up Bulb x1
Goblindbergh x2
Lonefire Blossom x2
Wind-Up Warrior x2
Mystic Tomato x1
Sangan x1
Spore x1
Summoner Monk x1
Tragoedia x1
Allure of Darkness x1
Book of Moon x1
Dark Hole x1
Giant Turnade x1
Instant Fusion x2
Level Limit - Area B x1
Mind Control x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
One for One x1
Pot of Avarice x1
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Royal Decree x3
Torrential Tribute x1
Extra deck:
Ally of Justice - Catastor x1
Arcanite Magician x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Brionac, Ice Barrier Dragon x1
Empty Space Sea Serpent Levaiel x1
Flame Ghost x1
Formula Synchron x1
Kamionwizard x1
Musician King x1
Number 17: Leviath Dragon x1
Number 39: Utopia x1
Scrap Dragon x1
Tiras, Keeper of Genesis x3
This concept is suitable to the OCG and TCG as well. If you are a TCG player then you can change Tiras, Keeper of the Genesis to Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon which can used to clear up the opponent's face-up card. By using this deck, you can choose to synchro or Xyz summon whenever you need it. Thus, this deck is quite powerful but it might slow down the speed of OTK your opponent if you are emphasize on synchro monster.
The reason I put Level Limit - Area B in this deck is because it can helps to slow down your opponent for preparing to OTK and Xyz monster is unaffected by this card at all. Thus it is very helpful if you using Xyz monster as your main choice of special summon. Due to Gagaga Magician is a dark attribute monster and we are more emphasize on the Xyz summon of Tiras, Keeper of the Genesis thus we can have Dark Armed Dragon and Chaos Sorcerer to increase the chances of winning your opponent.
Due to this is a concept deck, it might not work as smooth as you think. As a result, you need to have more practice on this build and improving its speed of Xyz summon. Anyway, I think that this deck do have a lot of potential in the future. Hopefully, this recipe will helps you in new deck construction or giving you a new image on synchro-Xyz style. Who knows this deck might be an Xyz summon version of Quickdraw Dandy, thus you can have a try on this deck.
Okay, that's all for today! Thanks for your precious time and wish you guys have a nice day! Please stay tuned for my next post.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL - Episode 059
1 hour ago
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