Hey, guys! September 2011 ban list have been revealed for a week and a lot of people thought that this ban list will shutdown most of the current meta deck. However, I'm personally think that this ban list still give most of the decks a lot of potential. Based on the new ban list, we can see that Debris Plant is affected the most and its speed is slow down. Lightsworn gonna back to the mainstream very soon!
But I can see that X-Saber, Infernity, Agents Fairy, Junk Doppel and Quickdraw Plant once again back to the mainstreams. With the aid of XX-Saber Darksoul and XX-Saber Boggart Knight in OCG, the X-Saber might become glory because Heavy Storm has back. X-Saber is focus on control and swarming thus they afraid of the disturbance of traps. With the coming back of 3 MST and Heavy Storm, their deck is far more destructive and will back to Tier 1 in OCG very soon.
Infernity also will get their support card, Infernity Barrier after this September and Infernity Barrier is the one-time Herald of Perfection. Infernity is also a deck that dislike traps thus it is very depend on the trap destruction cards. Apart from that, Infernity will get another new support card, Infernity General that enable them to Xyz summon Rank 3 monster more rapidly. As a result, I think that this deck might be topping in most of the tournaments soon.
Anyway, this ban list format also make a lot of decks putting Effect Veiler, Quick-Play Spell such as Enemy Controller, Forbidden Chalice, Forbidden Lance or My Body As Shield, and Starlight Road in the main deck. Thus we will see a lot of negation cards in this new format. Although Judgment Dragon is unlimit and Necro Gardna is semi-limit, I still don't see much of improving in the speed of the Lightsworn deck. The major threat for Lightsworn deck would be Agents Fairy, thus we might see these two decks topping in most of the OCG tournaments.
Although the new ban list kill a lot of decks such as Fishborg Synchro, Monarch Synchro, Cloudian Synchro, Psychic FTK, T.G. Control(TCG) and etc. With this new format, a lot of people may switch to play Twilight deck. However, I like to be odd from the others thus I like to share my recipe of Frog Monarch for this format. I still see a lot of potential on Frog Monarch and this ban list may make it a bit better than previous format although Fishborg Blaster is banned. This deck might not be Tier 1 but I think this deck able to against Dark World very well.
Caius The Shadow Monarch x3
Dandylion x1
Dupe Frog x3
Glow-up Bulb x1
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1
Level Eater x1
Mobius The Frost Monarch x1
Quickdraw Synchron x2
Raiza The Storm Monarch x3
Ronintoadin x1
Sangan x1
Swap Frog x3
Treeborn Frog x2
Book of Moon x1
Dark Hole x1
Enemy Controller x2
Foolish Burial x1
Heavy Storm x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
One For One x1
Soul Exchange x2
Tuning x1
Spiritual Water Art - AOI x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Ally Of Justice - Catastor x1
Armory Arm x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Brionac, Ice Barrier Dragon x1
Drill Warrior x2
Formula Synchron x1
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu x1
Junk Destroyer x1
Junk Warrior x1
Nitro Warrior x1
Scrap Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x1
T.G. Hyper Librarian x1
Trishula, Ice Barrier Dragon x1
Okay, that's all I wanna share today! Thanks for your precious time and wish you guys have a nice day! Next post gonna be the tournament result in Seremban. Please stay tuned for my next post!
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Qualifiers 2010
1 hour ago