Hey, guys! Left with 1 more month then the September 2012 ban list will be released. Similar with previous years, I will do ban list prediction as well. Current existing META decks such as Inzektor, Hieratic, Chaos Dragon, Wind-Up, Rabbit Laggia and etc might be affected by the latest ban list.
Brionac, Ice Barrier Dragon
Future Fusion
Mind Control
Goyo Guardian
Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
Dark Magician of Chaos
Inzektor Hornet
Wind-Up Hunter
Ultimate Offering
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Debris Dragon
Gladiator Beast Bestiari
Rescue Rabbit
Mirror Force
No longer limit:
Snipe Hunter
Destiny Draw
Emergency Teleport
Level Limit - Area B
Swords of Revealing Light
Ojama Trio
Magic Cylinder
For the forbidden list, I think that Brionac deserve to have a rest at here due to it can be combo with variety of decks to do unlimited loop. Future Fusion is one of key card that can helps Chaos Dragon to perform OTK easily and Mind Control is so broken due to it is costless and almost guarantee a win for you if you draw it on time.
For the limit list, I think that Hornet, Carrier Zenmaity, Hunter should be included in this slot due to the whole deck combo basically work with these cards. The return of BLS also signify that DMOC may return to the game again. Mind Control is too evil especially in this environment because it can grab any monster costless and push the game back from there. Ultimate Offering is too good to play in Geargia and Gadget and with it, they can instantly OTK or control the game.
We have been a long time for not seeing Blackwing topping in major event and the main weak point is due to the number of Kalut in their deck. With the semi-limit of Kalut, their deck can be much more competitive. I personally wish that Debris Dragon return to semi-limit because synchro theme deck is rarely to play nowadays. Gladiator Beast deck is too slow and hardly to regain advantage thus Bestiari may return to semi-limit.
Semi-limit of Rescue Rabbit for sure won't kill the deck but its play will be a bit slow compare with current build. Scapegoat hardly to play nowadays due to the overwhelming of Xyz version of Gaia and Xyz summon don't even required of it. Most importantly, Spore and Glow-up Bulb is still in the forbidden list. Mirror Force may also return to 2 due to it is hardly to play nowadays due to too many destructive cards in the game.
For those new unlimited card list, most of them are hardly to be seen in the game nowadays and some of them not effective to be play in current environment. Therefore, Konami may unlimit them in the September ban list. If Konami really unlimit Destiny Draw, I pretty sure HERO engine will be splash into almost any deck and variant of Tele-DAD may rise from there. Anyway, hopefully this forecast ban list will become true.
Abyss Rising(ABYR) is going to release by this week and the full card list have been revealed. Among those cards, I strongly recommend you guys to collect Bull Blader, Mogumole, Gagaga Gunman, Forbidden Gorment, Magic Deflector and Memory of a Rival. Gagaga Gunman and Forbidden Garment will be the main attraction in this booster and they are splashable into any deck. By the way, the art of Mogumole is damn cute!
Okay, that's all I wanna share with you guys today and just share your thought with me! Thanks for your time and wish you guys have a nice day! Please stay tuned for my next post.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL - Episode 059
1 hour ago
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