Friday, August 17, 2012


Hey, guys! Today I will share a short post regarding the finalized September 2012 ban list from Konami. You guys may doubt this list whether real enough, however, what I can say is this list will be applied on 1st September 2012.

Picture taken from Dueling Days

Forbidden/Banned List(Not allow to include any single copy at all):
Brionac, Ice Barrier Dragon
Future Fusion

Restrict/Limit List(Can put at most 1 piece):
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
Evigishki Gustkraken
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Inzektor Dragonfly
Inzektor Hornet
Chaos Sorcerer
Ultimate Offering

Semi-Restrict/Semi-Limit List(Can put at most 2 pieces):
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Rescue Rabbit
Debris Dragon
Agent of Mystery - Earth
Tour Guide from the Underworld
Emergency Call
A Hero Lives
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Pot of Duality
Mirror Force

No Longer Restricted/Unlimited List(Can put at most 3 pieces):
Necro Guardna
Destiny Draw
Emergency Teleport
Level Limit - Area B
Swords of Revealing Light
Magic Cylinder

Based on the new ban list, I can see that many Inzektor or Wind-Up players will quit the game or update their current META according to the list. Anyway, this list does not kill most of the decks while it allow you to play with your skill more than playing bluffly. Btw, we may see Black Rose Dragon appear in the game more often now.

With this list, the old META(META of 2011) will join the game together and this will create a more competitive environment. Hopefully we can see this situation last for a long time so that everyone can have almost equal chances of winning the top spot but not only a deck that topping among all decks. Is time for me to play back my Debris Plant now. Hahaha!

Okay, that's all I wanna share to you guys today! Thanks for your attention and wish you guys have a great time! Please stay tuned for my next post.


Selph said...

Actually, following testing of wind-ups with only one zenmaighty, the run spectacularly good. Inzektorz will run ladybugs and follow windups with level modulation and xyz spam. Not a terrible blow to them. Although chaos dragons lost a ton of power and steam here. Not to mention the preemptive strike to atlantean and mermails with the banning of brionac, although gungnir remains to be a solid tech choice for the upcoming water decks. I'm excited for the new format personally. Minus having to acquire more mirror forces to update my current decks.

Kahzel said...

Guess that my wish of reviving Plants became true :D