Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to side against Elemental/Incarnate Dragon

Hey, guys! Lord of Tahyon Galaxy(LTGY) will be introduce to TCG environment by next month and I believe it would affect whole TCG meta if their baby version Elemental Dragon were released in that booster as well. As a result, I decide to share some strategy on how to side against them. Basically, we can categorize E.Dragon into 2 major deck build, 1 is LADD control while the other is OTK build.

When E.Dragon was started introduce to OCG, numerous of player have tried different build for E.Dragon. In the end, they decide to play the build of LADD control and it is quite stable during that period. However, if you tried to observe them again, you will found that OTK build is increasing while LADD control build is decreasing. They found that LADD control is easier to be counter by their opponent especially Prophecy. Besides that, Prophecy player had changed their build to Jowgen lock down compare with High Priestess beat.

Before we go further on how to side against E.Dragon, let us review what are difference between LADD control build with OTK build.

Generally LADD control build will go through step as below to play LADD as soon as possible:
1, activate miniature Elemental Dragon effect and send Eclipse Wyvern to grave to SS big Elemental Dragon from deck.

2. Wyvern effect activate and banish LADD from deck.

3. If you have big Elemental Dragon on hand then SS it by banishing Eclipse Wyvern and miniature Elemental Dragon in graveyard.

4. LADD is added to hand due to Wyvern's effect.

5. Xyz summon Mecha Phantom Beast Dragon-Sack by overlay both big Elemental Dragon and activate its effect to SS 2 Mecha Phantom Beast tokens.

6. At this time, no normal summon was performed yet, thus released 2 tokens and normal summon LADD. By controlling face-up LADD and Dragon-Sack on the field, we use them to push through opponent.

For OTK build, they much more emphasize on Xyz summon of Mecha Phantom Beast Dragon-Sack to control the field. With Dragon-Sack, they can be used to push their opponent from setting up the field. It also have self-protection effect when they have token monster on their field and it can be use to attack or destroy back row. Moreover, they also focus on Xyz summon of Number 11: Big Eye to take control of opponent monster and push through opponent with their own monster.

Below is the list of cards that we may use to against/siding when your opponent is a E.Dragon player.

Angel O7, Archlord Kristya, Battle Fader, Chaos Hunter, Colossal Fighter, Crimson Blader, Destiny HERO - Plasma, Effect Veiler, Electric Virus, Evilswarm Ophion, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Jowgen the Spiritualist, Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, Lava Golem, Light and Darkness Dragon, Maxx C, Mermail Abyssgaio, Metaion, the Timelord, Number 16: Shock Ruler, Number 22: Zombiestein, Photon Strike Bounzer, Red Dragon Archfiend, Reptilianne Vaskii, Tragoedia, Treeborn Frog, Tribe-Shocking Virus, Vanity's Fiend, Vanity's Ruler

Dimensional Fissure, Forbidden Chalice, Necrovalley, Special Hurricane, Zombie World

Black Horn of Heaven, Bottomless Trap Hole, Breakthrough Skill, Compulsory Evacuation Device, Debunk, Deep Dark Trap Hole, Fiendish Chain, Imperial Iron Wall, Macro Cosmo, Mind Crush, Mind Drain, Rivalry of Warlords, Skill Drain, Soul Drain, Stygian Dirge, The Transmigration Prophecy, Vanity's Emptiness, Void Traphole

Similar with other deck, we can prevent/lock/stop their combo through several method. 1st method, lock down/negate/destroy their SS monster so that they cannot perform swarming so soon. Cards that can do so is Archlord Kristya, Chaos Hunter, Evilswarm Ophion, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, Jowgen the Spiritualist, Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, LADD, Number 16: Shock Ruler, Vanity's Fiend, Vanity's Ruler, Dimensional Fissure, Necrovalley, Special Hurricane, Black Horn of Heaven, Bottomless Trap Hole, Giant Trap Hole, Imperial Iron Wall, Macro Cosmo, Mind Drain, Rivalry of Warlords, Soul Drain, Vanity's Emptiness, Void Traphole and Zombie World.

Chaos Hunter, Kycoo, Dimensional Fissure, Necrovalley, Mind Drain and Zombie World may not too effective in locking their SS because they may SS the E.Dragon by using their baby version E.Dragon. Apart from using those cards that can help in locking SS, you must have good protection so that the you can continue push through with the card you hold till the game ends. E.Dragon can simply unlock your lock down by using Blaster, Elemental Dragon of Calderas's effect. Therefore, try to have enough of protection whenever you are in a lead.

2nd, we can negate/forbid activation of their monster effect on the field or in the graveyard. Generally, you may side in cards like Angel O7, Crimson Blader, Destiny HERO - Plasma, Effect Veiler, LADD, Mermail Abyssgaio, Metaion, Photon Strike Bounzer, Forbidden Chalice, Breakthrough Skill, Debunk, Fiendish Chain, Mind Drain, Soul Drain and The Transmigration Prophecy. If they are playing LADD control build, you may side cards such as Battle Fader, Gorz, Lava Golem, Number 22: Zombiestein, Red Dragon Archfiend, Tragoedia and Treeborn Frog.

The 3rd method that we can applied is to slow down/lock down/destroy their setup. The cards that fall to this category is Chaos Hunter, Crimson Blader, Electric Virus, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, Jowgen the Spiritualist, Lava Golem, Maxx C, Metaion, Number 16: Shock Ruler, Red Dragon Archfiend, Reptilianne Vaskii, Tribe-Shocking Virus, Dimensional Fissure, Necrovalley, Special Hurricane, Zombie World, Black Horn of Heaven, Bottomless Trap Hole, Breakthrough Skill, CED, Debunk, Deep Dark Trap Hole, Fiendish Chain, Imperial Iron Wall, Macro Cosmo, Mind Crush, Mind Drain, Rivalry of Warlords, Soul Drain, Stygian Dirge and The Transmigration Prophecy.

In order to stop them effectively, you should wait till the right timing to activate cards that can counter their combo. Example, they will Xyz summon Dragon-Sack almost every turn thus whenever you see it you can decide to activate cards that can counter it so that they cannot gain too much of advantage. Most of the time, E.Dragon will have zero or little number of trap lineup but the latest E.Dragon build already included some staple traps thus beware for their back row as well.

FYI, please don't even try to side in Cyber Dragon against them because once you do so, you probably will regret for doing soon. Although you can get rid of Dragon-Sack with it and fusion summon Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, most probably you will lose the game because they can easily Xyz summon Number 11: Big Eye and snatch your Fortress Dragon to kill you. If you want to have a taste of it, you can try so.

Okay, that's all I wanna share with you guys today! Thanks for your time and wish you guys have a nice day. Please stay tuned for my next post.

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